

It is a self-reflection project told in the manner of children’s fictional stories. This tale-for-all-ages acts as a therapeutic approach for me to befriend my inner child, and of course, my current self. Ednok’s stories mostly tell about dreams, self-acceptance, and adaptation. It’s a projection on how I perceive my surroundings and process my feelings. In creating the story, I also include bits and pieces of true events I experienced. I have poured my idea of Ednok into various medium including a series of zines, audio story, illustrations, GIFs, mural, doodles, and plush.

Ednok has always been a little star in the sky above the sea. A guiding star, to be precise. Her role is to tell directions to anyone in need: fishermen, sailors, sirenes, albatrosses.. As a token of gratitude, those travelers usually whisper her stories of their journey. Those stories spark a dream for Ednok to have her own adventure. One day, she decided to jump to the water, swim to the land, leaving the sky behind to wander. She then tried to transform herself into a land creature, since walking in a star shape is somewhat tiring and awkward. Ednok has heard stories about a majestic animal with beautiful antlers crowning their heads, called deer. So she changed herself into a deer-like shape. Little did she know, only the male grows antlers, while she is a female. Disappointed but not lose hope, she tried to plant fruit seeds into her head. The cherry seeds worked, they grew magically almost in an instant. But as a side effect, her fur turns pink. Nevertheless, Ednok is finally happy with her new look, especially with a bonus of fresh cherries every spring.

That is how Ednok’s adventure begin.

Listen to Ednok audio story by opening this Youtube Video on the right (Only available in Bahasa Indonesia):